Supporting Thriving Children and Youth

Supporting Thriving Children and Youth Through Use of the Wellbeing Care Community Platform
The Wellbeing Care Community platform unites community-based organizations, health, social services and more to address Community Care Coordination needs.
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One of the key focus areas for helping people and communities reach their full potential is promoting and supporting thriving children and youth.  The eTransX Wellbeing Care Coordination system has built in modules, assessments, and success pathways to support this community improvement goal at the community level and the personal/household level.


Supporting Thriving Children and Youth


Today’s children and youth and their care givers face a host of challenges that can hinder their opportunities and ability to thrive.   Adverse childhood experiences are around every corner.  Solving this challenge will take a community wide cross sector effort as shown in Figure 1.  eTransX has developed a systemic solution for helping families and communities support thriving children.

It is never too early to support the healthy development and growth of America’s youth.  Implementing a community-wide solution that like the Wellbeing Care Community can fundamentally impact the trajectory and success of our neighborhoods and cities.

Healthy Children Come From Strong Families and Strong Families Come From Thriving Communities

Children and Youth Development


WCC supports collaborative building and management of pathways with parents, mentors, and CBOs such as early childhood and after-school organizations to promote positive childhood and youth development.  This includes promoting trauma-informed community awareness and addressing adverse childhood experiences.  Pathways can include health, academic goals, life skills, substance misuse prevention, career exploration, and post-secondary guidance.  WCC provides a way to track progress, build upon strengths, and break through barriers along the way to successful adulthood.


Promoting Thriving Children and Youth Will Take the Entire Community:

Figure 1 – Source: Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County