Addressing Substance Abuse

How the Wellbeing Care Community System Supports Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery
The Wellbeing Care Community platform unites community-based organizations, health, social services and more to address Community Care Coordination needs.
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One of the key focus areas for helping people and communities reach their full potential is addressing the opioid/substance abuse crisis that has hit an all-time high. This is a challenge that requires a systemic solution across three levels – prevention, treatment, and recovery (see Figure 1). By focusing on a person as a whole; we can help create individualized success pathways to include the underlying physical, social, and mental concerns leading to substance abuse. There are programs utilizing the Wellbeing Care Community Coordination that are seeing drastic decrease in rates of morbidity, relapse, and hospitalizations.

For an independent report about the importance of community care coordination in a rural setting, see Rural Center Community Care Coordination Model.

The eTransX Wellbeing Care Coordination system has built in modules, assessments, and success pathways. Our system can help support a community wide coordinated approach for the prevention, treatment, and recovery for addressing substance abuse. Our system can provide a single place for all medical, behavioral, and social service providers to work interactively in. This can be accomplished through a collaborative effort in an accountable and trackable environment. These processes will be key to closing the loop on meeting client’s needs and insuring successful recovery.

A Shared Community-Based Wellbeing Coordination System

Substance Use Disorders


WCC engages individuals and families to address substance misuse prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery efforts.  This includes addressing stigma and the root causes of substance use disorder, including trauma and adverse childhood experiences.  WCC serves as a “community command center” between emergency services, the justice system, housing services, healthcare, social services, and more.  WCC provides an efficient way for every partner to interact with clients to help reduce stigma, secure treatment, and engage wraparound services to achieve successful long-term recovery.


Figure 1: Solving Substance Abuse Will Take a Coordinated Community Effort