Recovery Management Software – Opioid Care Community

Opioid Care Coordination Software

Opioid Care Community, from eTransX, enables care team collaboration and increased patient adherence that drive improved outcomes for those battling opioid or heroin use disorders.

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Supporting a Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Substance Use Disorders at the Community Level

The opioid epidemic has devastated communities, affected employer productivity, and impacted countless lives.  Per CDC data there were more than 70,000 overdose deaths in 2019, and 72% of those deaths involved opioids.  Sadly, that number only continues to rise in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and the increased isolation, unemployment, and hopelessness affecting so many. 

To address these challenges, eTransX offers a comprehensive community-based opioid and substance use disorder recovery management software solution – the first of its kind in the nation to help communities address the substance use disorder crisis.  Opioid Care Community is already in use in multiple communities and states, saving lives across the country.  Having the OCC solution as the operational system for the core of your work shows that you are using a proven system that provides robust data tracking and reporting requirements to meet and exceed grants requirements.

The OCC system is a cloud-based system designed to be deployed on two levels – the community level – coordinating a community wide response, and the personal level – coordinating responses at the individual and family level.  More than traditional healthcare-only based solutions, the Opioid Care Community goes deeper to identify and address an individuals’ unique Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) situation.  Visit  for more information about the Social Determinants of Health.  OCC also meets the requirements of a data system for organizations pursuing federal grants from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), United States Department of Justice DOJ, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and more.

To help support successful recovery outcomes, OCC combines medical, behavioral, social services, faith-based, government, and non-profit organizations as a unified force to help individuals.  When a whole-person’s needs are addressed – including quality healthcare access, education, social belonging, economic stability, and neighborhood environment – recovery outcomes and personal success id greatly improved.  The work and results of clients currently employing the Opioid Care Community prove this.

Better Health Outcomes

eTransX’ Wellbeing Care Community (WCC) system provides a unique community-based person-centric, cross-sector data sharing solution that helps community-based anchor or backbone organizations scale community initiatives to improve health, social, and economic outcomes.  WCC bridges silos by serving as a trusted community information exchange, coordinating the work of multiple organizations working across sectors “so that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing.”  WCC results in improved outcomes for people and communities by using evidence-based best practices, reducing duplication of effort, and lowering operational costs.

WCC allows providers to build and manage personalized success pathways to address the social determinants of health, preventative health, chronic disease management, and mental health.  This includes managing and tracking referrals and engaging with friends, family, community health workers, and other personal support network members.  WCC provides a broader and deeper focus that improves both short and long-term personal health outcomes.

Click here to request a demo to see how Opioid Care Community recovery management software can support your work!