We would like to invite you to visit us at our booth (#707) at the National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit that will be held in Atlanta April 2-5, 2018. The National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit is the largest national collaboration of professionals from local, state, and federal agencies, business, academia, clinicians, treatment providers, counselors, educators, state and national leaders, and advocates impacted by prescription drug abuse and heroin use.
Key speakers at this year’s Summit include former President Bill Clinton; Jerome M. Adams
Surgeon General of the United States; James A. Walsh, Deputy Assistant Secretary
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Bureau; Francis Collins, MD, PhD,
Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Anne Hazlett Assistant to the Secretary for
Rural Development, Elinore F. McCance-Katz Assistant Secretary, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and many others.
We will be introducing our new Opioid Care Community software applicationat the Summit – the first of its kind software system to help communities of all sizes accelerate their efforts to solve the Opioid/Substance Abuse disorder crisis from prevention to treatment to recovery.
Our software is designed to support popular models for coordination opioid and substance abuse treatment and recovery – such as the Hub and Spoke Model and the Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) – see diagram below of ROSC model.
Key benefits of using our outcome driven Opioid Care Community software system include:
Perform at-Scale– serve more clients with less staff with automation, reducing overall cost with better outcomes
Data-Driven– capture data to track and measure results – move the needle. You can’t manage what you can’t measure
Consistency – support consistency by using automated evidence based protocols. Set up standard templates based on best practices
Community Resource Directory– search for community based programs and services by location, service type and service availability in real time
Timely Data Sharing– break down silos of information between community services and easily and securely share client data between providers
Flexiblity– our software platform is designed to easily make changes to supporting future protocols, workflows, and data sharing processes
Specific software applications include:
Prevention – Coordinate prescriber and consumer education on guidelines and best practices. Coordinate programs to engage with youth on dealing with protective and risk factors
Early Intervention/Harm Reduction– Support rapid response programs to intervene with known Opioid use disorder individuals to help them into harm reduction and treatment programs
Treatment – Maintain an up to date listing of available treatment programs and facilitate matching individuals to the right programs based on their particular needs
Recovery – Maintain listings and facilitate transitions from treatment programs to recovery programs. Fully support the coordination of necessary wrap around services to help reduce relapses and promote full recovery.
Come visit with us next week.
If you can’t visit us at the Summit – call us for a free discovery session to help us better understand your needs for solving the opioid substance abuse epidemic in your community.
Chart: How the eTransX Opioid Care Community system supports the Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Model: