2020 has dramatically changed the way we interact and connect with each other both personally and professionally. Thankfully, eTransX has been solving complex communications issues for over 20 years. With our HEMI (Healthcare Enterprise Messaging and Integration) eTXDesign Studio we can empower your laboratory, medical practice, or surgical center to interface quickly. Many times connections can be made in hours or days instead of weeks or months, while also saving thousands versus the traditional method of outsourcing this work.
Our eTXDesign Studio makes it easy for users to configure templates for inbound and outbound messages with no programming knowledge required. Using the eTXDesign Studio, anyone can create message templates for HL7, Flat Files, Database tables, and API endpoints. All templates created in the eTXDesign Studio are configuration driven, and can be reused for multiple different interfaces. Our clients also get access to the comprehensive eTransX knowledgebase which includes templates for hundreds of file types and structures, allowing the export of templates to move quickly from test to production.
Laboratories and practices that use eTransX HEMI have taken what is normally an obstacle and turned it into a competitive advantage. The eTXDesign Studio allows them to connect with new referral sources on their own time frame as well as adapt to new requirements, like reporting COVID19 test results to state and local health departments. Click here or call 888-221-4971 to learn more about how eTransX can become a powerful partner in driving new growth for your company!